Episode 42 - Christmas Special 2022: One Gun, Two Shafts.

Episode 42 - Christmas Special 2022: One Gun, Two Shafts.

Joined by Matt Muhl from Brightside Coffee to celebrate our Christmas Special episode, we get into the spirit of the silly season right from the start.

The original title of this Christmas Special episode was "Coffee in Beer" as we followed a similar theme to last year and responsibly enjoyed a couple of local coffee-based beers whilst we recorded this one.

It was quickly overshadowed by the timeless ritual that is gift giving as we each brought in a gift that we made ourselves. Aaron wrote a song, and brought in some fruit, Brendan wrote some poetry, and good golly if we didn't almost die of laughter when Chris presented a hand-drawn picture of us that we still cannot believe. See our socials for a censored version.

Also in this episode; we remember our favourite gifts, talk about our go-to Christmas movies, and a very special Christ-Mas Health Advice with Chris for the holiday season.
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