Episode 33 - Filter Coffee: More Caffeine, More Flavour, Less Popular.

Episode 33 - Filter Coffee: More Caffeine, More Flavour, Less Popular.

If you live in Australia and drink coffee, chances are pretty slim that you wake up to enjoy a filter-style coffee.

Australia's strong espresso coffee culture is renowned worldwide, so why bother with filter coffee? Isn't that just the burnt stuff served in American diners?

That's what Chris says, anyway.  And we agree—filter coffee is not for everyone.

But we love coffee, so we want to experience every step in the process from farm to cup when we sit down with our morning brew. 

The varietal, where it was grown, how it was processed, then how it is roasted and brewed are all on display with this style of coffee brewing—you can't hide behind milk and sugar here. You can truly taste the coffee.

For most people, it isn't going to matter, and that's ok. That's what Chris says, anyway.  

And that's just what this episode is all about.

We also talk about what filter coffee is exactly, how it's made and if we were world leaders, who would we each be?

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